This week and last week we have been working on a piece of christmas writing. We learnt about Aldi the banana because it's the start of advent and we had to make a christmas piece of writing based on a video that we had to watch. I enjoyed learning about Aldi the banana and writing a story based on Aldi. I found it tricky to write my plan because I had to write my story out of my computer. Next time I would add more to my story. This is my story.
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Wednesday, 1 December 2021
Tuesday, 30 November 2021
My Parihaka Albatross Feather.
This week we were learning about Parihaka. We learnt this because this week it is the week that we celebrate Parihaka. I enjoyed learning about Parihaka and creating the feather that we had to make. I found it tricky to find words to describe Parihaka. Next time I would add more words into my feather and put a background in. Do you know what Parihaka is? This is my Parihaka feather and the meanings of the albatross feather.
This week we have been learning about Diwali. We learnt this because last week because it was Diwali. For this task we had to make a Rangoli that we copied off a video but we got to chose the colours that we got to do. Do you know what a Rangoli is? I enjoyed doing this task because we got to learn how to make Rangoli. I found it tricky to copy the drawing off the video. Next time I would change the colours and mabey do my own pattern.
Thursday, 25 November 2021
Saint Thomas Aquinas
This week we have been learning about our picked saint and my saint that I picked is Saint Thomas Aquinas. We learnt this for our Religious Education this week. I enjoyed drawing my saint and writing the prayer. I found it tricky to draw my saint but I still loved drawing it. Next time I would do pencil before I coloured the picture in so it would be a bit neater. What is your favourite saint? These are the photos that I took of my work.
Wednesday, 3 November 2021
Self Portraits.
For this task we had to paint self portraits. We learnt this so that we could show it to the assembly and so that we would know how to mix skin colour. Next time I would change my hair colour. I enjoyed learning to make skin colours and hair colours. I found it tricky to keep the paint in the lines. Do you know how to make skin colours and hair colours? When I was glueing my name on I glue it on the wrong side so you couldn't see my name but you can now. This is my self portrait.
Tuesday, 2 November 2021
My 2021 Achievements
This week we have been learning how to use canva. I enjoyed learning how to create videos and learning how to animate photos. Next time I would chose a different frame to put the video in. I found it tricky to record myself on canva. Next time I would change the animation of the photos and words so that it would be more interesting. I enjoyed learning how to use canva because for the first time. I found it tricky to animate because it was my first time animating on canva.
Friday, 29 October 2021
We have been learning about the traditional medical (Rongoa) plants that the Maori used. We learnt this because we are making signs to put in front of plants. Next time I would do my plan on my computer. I learnt a lot from this task. The plant that I chose was harakeke (flax). I found it tricky to nail the steak in. I Found it annoying because the paint keep spilling. i enjoyed nailing the steak on.
My Service Poster.
For this task we had to make a service poster on canva. We have just recently learnt how to make pictures and words animated. I enjoyed learning how to animate on canva. Next time I would change my them to something else. I found it tricky to click on the picture because there were pictures over top of them. Do you know how to animate on canva! I hope you like my service poster. We found out that it was better to add it as a gif. Service can come in in different forms but it is most commonly physically. Like someone taking something for someone.
Thursday, 30 September 2021
Faith Poster
This week we have been learning about faith. I enjoyed learning about faith because there is lots to learn about faith and it is really interesting. I found it tricky to get reasons to what faith means to me. Do you know what faith is? Next time I would probably change the bits of information about faith. I found it tricky to to find my own reasons about faith. Next time I would change the background and I would add some more pictures or different ones.
Social Justice Week.
We have been learning about social justice week and the beatitudes. We learn this because it is social justice week. Do you know what social justice week is? Next time I would change my beatitude to a different one so that I could learn about a different beatitude. I enjoyed learning about the beatitudes. Do you know what the beatitudes are? I found it tricky to find a beatitude to learn about. This is my poster.
My Ruru Calendar Art.
My Beatitudes Poster
This week we have been learning about beatitudes. We learnt this because it was social justice week. Do you know what the beatitudes are? I found it challenging to find a beatitude to focus on. I enjoyed finding a background that fitted the theme. Next time I would change my beatitude so I could make a different symbol and so I could learn about a different beatitude. We had to make a poster focusing on one beatitude. This is my beatitude slide I hope you like it.
Do You Think That Trees Are Important.
This week for writing we have been doing our speeches. We did speeches because it was the time of the term that we had to do speeches. We had to write our speeches and then we had to present them to the school because it was the speech semi finals. I liked writing this task because my topic was trees and trees are a really cool topic. Did you like my post about mister wolf guilty? Next time This is my story below. I hope you like it.
Every second, somewhere in the world a soccer field amount of trees is cut down. I strongly believe that people should stop cutting down trees. I will tell you where air comes from and why trees are important for this. They give us fruit and tyres for our cars. Leaves on trees can change colour. Listen up and I will convince you that we have to save the trees and save our environment!
Firstly, I strongly believe that people should stop cutting down trees because trees provide us with oxygen so that we can live. They take the carbon dioxide that we breathe out, and that is made by cars and factories, and trees turn it into oxygen. In other words, trees breathe in carbon dioxide, and breathe out oxygen. The opposite of what humans do. This process is called photosynthesis. If we keep cutting trees down, we will eventually have only a little bit of oxygen left and too much carbon dioxide, which is bad for us and the environment. I think people should stop cutting trees down. Don’t you?
Secondly, trees can provide fruit and I think that fruit trees are very important for us. Do you like fruit? Trees provide apples, oranges, bananas, coconuts and apricots. All of these come from trees. If we cut down all of the fruit trees we won’t have any healthy food for us. Can you imagine the world with no fruit? That would be terrible. Because fruit trees are trees, they can also provide oxygen for us. That makes them important for the world in two different ways. So we have to look after our trees for two reasons.
Thirdly, I think that trees are beautiful and very cool? Do you? Well I do and I want to convince you to think that they're cool. Because they are. In autumn their leaves can change from green to orange to yellow to red and lots of different colours. Trees can only change colour in autumn and winter. Trees that change colour are called deciduous trees. The changing colour is the leaves dying and the tree starting to hibernate for the winter. Some trees never change colours. They just stay green. These trees are called evergreen trees and I guess you know what that means. Trees can start to bloom in spring and if you haven’t seen a blossom tree I highly recommend you look out for it at the moment. I think this is an amazing example of God’s beautiful creation.
In this piece of writing I have stated where air comes from, that they can give us fruit and how trees are cool in autumn. Now look out there at our beautiful trees. Do you still want to cut trees down? I don’t, and I hope I have convinced you not to cut trees down.
Wednesday, 15 September 2021
Is Mr Wolf Guilty.
We were learning how to talk about perspectives. We learnt this because the speeches are coming up and we have to write persuasive. I enjoyed seeing what other peoples perspectives were. Next time I would add some more reasons to persuade more people to agree with me because the wolf was innocent he just swallowed them he didn't kill them. I found it tricky to find reasons for why he was guilty so I didn't put any in because I couldn't find any. This is a video that explained why the wolf isn't guilty.
Wednesday, 8 September 2021
For this task we had to do a cosmic kids yoga class. I enjoyed doing this task because recently we played twister and our bodys were really sore so this was nice and relaxing. Next time I would change the photo to when we were saying namaste. I found it tricky to do bowl pose because we had to use lots of our muscles to do that pose. I enjoyed this task because it was based in minecraft and I like minecraft.
Saint Joseph.
For this task we had to create a google drawing that had a picture of our saint. I enjoyed finding facts about saint Joseph. Next time I would change my picture. I found it tricky to do saint joseph's hair because every time I got it right it immediately deleted the hair and finally when it did not delete it, it was the wrong shape so I decided to change the line. Next time I would change some of the facts to more interesting.
My Lego Maze.
Tuesday, 7 September 2021
The Amazing Race Three.
For this task we had to do another amazing race. So far we have done two amazing races and this is our third. At first I thought that we were just going to do one but then I realized that there was a pattern the pattern is that we are probably going to do an amazing race every tuesday. I enjoyed making the statue of a person. Next time I would probably try to make the statue more realistic. I found it tricky to learn the samba, for that mini task we had to pick out of doing the samba or showing of our best soccer tricks. This is a link to a video that is about the world. I hope you enjoy the photos that I took. Can you comment bellow on the my sea turtle blog post.
Let's Learn Tongan!
For this task we had to create a set of slides that had tongan words and the translated version in english. We also had to use mote to record ourselfs. I enjoyed learning how to use mote because I had never used it before and my sister helped me create an account so I could use it. Next time I would do different words so people could learn more tongan. I Found it tricky to pranounce it right but I gave it my best try so can you tell me if I said it wrong in the comments. Here is a link to a video that helps you learn tongan.
Monday, 6 September 2021
Dogs Are Better Than Cats.
For this task we had to create a google dock about cats and dogs. I found it tricky to find research that backed me up. Next time I would try to get more reasons for my self assessment. I enjoyed learning about cats and dogs. I found it interesting that some types of dogs can be trained to sniff out different, certent types of cancer.
My Escape Room.
For this task we had to do an escape room and take some pictures. I enjoyed trying to find the answer to the questions because the questions were at random so we didn't know what to expect. Next time I would change the pictures to one of each page. I found it tricky to turn and open the door. This is a link to the maths escape room. These are the pictures of the maths escape room. You can try out the maths escape room with the link above.
Cats Vs Dogs!
For this task we had to tell people our opinion about cats and dogs. I chose to be on the dogs side because dogs are cool. I enjoyed learning about why cats and dogs are more popular in different ways. Next time I would change the font to a bit bigger. I found it tricky to get the reasons for cats because cats aren't that cool and they don't have many reasons for you to vote for them so I say you should vote for dogs because there cool. I enjoyed finding reasons for why people vote cat or dog.
Surface Tension.
For this task we had to pick out of two experiments to do but I chose to do both. I enjoyed learning about surface tension because its cool how a paper click can float on water. Next time I would add more pepper to see if it made a difference. I found it tricky to add the right amount of dishwashing liquid. The dishwashing liquid makes all of the pepper go to the sides. When you fill a cup up with water it doesn't overflow straight away because the molecules of the water stick together. The surface tension can hold a paper clip on the water. These are some photos of the experiments.
Sunday, 5 September 2021
My Fathers Day Card.
For our task today we had to make a fathers day card. I enjoyed doing this because I got to do it with my little sister and it was a nice thing to do. I found it tricky to set the date so that it would publish on fathers day at the right time. Next time I would add more things to the cover. I enjoyed learning that every year fathers day is the first sunday of september. I found it tricky to take the photo and post it to my blog. Next time I would change the colour of the paper to make it more interesting.
Friday, 3 September 2021
My Fractions Game.
For this task we had to do a fractions task so I got my mum to help me play the fractions game. I found it tricky too do the fractions because I don't really understand fractions but my mum helped so we got the game done pretty fast. Next time I would take the kings and queens out so that we didn't have to go through trying to find the number cards. I enjoyed doing this task because I got to learn more about fractions.
My Bouncing Egg.
For this task we had to create a bouncing egg. At first I was like how are we going to do that? But once I had watched the video I got the main idea. Next time I would use a different vinegar and see if it affected the way it bounced. I found it challenging to get all of the egg bouncy but in the end we had to bounce it when there was still a little bit of the egg shell but it just cracked a bit. I enjoyed learning how to make a bouncing egg with just vinegar and an egg.
My Banana Cake.
I chose to do this task for fun because I wanted to share the recipe with you ( its delicious trust me). I enjoyed baking the cake because I got to make it with my mum. Once it was done all you could smell was banana cake. Next time I would change the photo so I wouldn't have to be bending down. I found it tricky to find out when it was cooked but when you poke the skewer into the cake if its cooked there will be nothing that comes of with the skewer.
Thursday, 2 September 2021
My Pen Pale Card.
This task was a reading task and we had to wright to someone. I enjoyed doing this task because I got to wright to my Nan. I found it challenging to find what to say. Next time I would add more detail to the cover. I enjoyed drawing the cover of the card. Next time I would change the colours of the block letters. I found it challenging to write lightly so that if I made a mistake I could rub it out easily. I enjoyed doing this task because my sister got to help.
My Multiplication Table.
For this task we had to create a slide that has a multiplication table so that we can practice our multiplication. I enjoyed doing this task because we also got to do a kahoot about multiplication and I liked learning about more problems. I found it tricky to put the numbers in the right place but I eventually got the rhythm. Next time I would change the order the colours were in so that it would be harder to find the answer. I enjoyed doing this task and learning more about multiplication. I found it challenging to add the colours into the small boxes. This is a link that is about multiplication table. This is the slide that has my Table in it I hope you like it.
Wednesday, 1 September 2021
Spelling Practice Slides.
For our learning task today we had to create a set of slides that had different activities to do. I enjoyed doing this spelling task because we got to do some really cool things that we haven't done before like creating word art. I found it tricky to do the rainbow word art because I had to keep clicking the colour button to change the colour. Next time I would change my word art to a different shape. I enjoyed doing this spelling task. Next time I would change the backgrounds to lighter backgrounds.
Tuesday, 31 August 2021
Amazing Race Two!
For our task today we had to do another Amazing race this one is focused in Japan. I enjoyed doing the different tasks with my family. I found it tricky to get the ball over everyones head. We didn't do a picture of the ball challenge because we didn't have anyone to take a picture of us doing it. Next time we would change the gown that we made for something more comfortable (let me tell you it was not comfortable). I liked doing this challenge with everybody in my family because the things were fun and we all really enjoyed doing them together. I found it tricky to spot all of the differences in the spot the difference task.
August Reflection Newsletter 2021.
We have been learning how to write a reflection. I enjoyed looking back at what we have do over the month. I found it tricky to find something to write about the enviroschools. Next time I would change my lockdown fun and change it to a bike ride or something like that. I like being at home because we can finish tasks quicker in a day sometimes. But I also miss being at school because I miss seeing my friends. I enjoyed writing this reflection because it reminded me of the good times that I've had over lockdown of the month.
Five Facts About The Paralympic Games.
Today for our task we had to watch a video explaining what the paralympics are then we got to choose how we presented a slide that had to have five facts of it. I chose to do the slides. I found it challenging to find the facts from the video because I had to keep pausing the video to get the information. i enjoyed learning about the paralympics and I want to start watching it. Next time I would change the background to an athlete instead of the symbol of the paralympics. I enjoyed doing this task and i would do it again. This is a link to the video that I watched.
Monday, 30 August 2021
Saint Thomas Aquinas.
For this task we had to make a slide that was based on our saint and write facts about them. I liked learning about Saint Thomas Aquinas. I found it tricky to find the right background that fitted the writing. Next time I would change the facts about Saint Thomas Aquinas. I enjoyed learning about him because there was so much to learn about him like he got put in jail because he did nothing.
My Well Being Challenge.
My Facts About Native Birds!
For our task today we had to create a slide that had facts about native birds. I liked doing this task because I got to learn more about the native birds that New Zealand has. I found it tricky to find the facts from the books and write them in my own words. I found it interesting that there is only 20 percent of the native birds in New Zealand are in the ok zone. I found it tricky to find information about the birds in the book. Next time I would change some of the facts around.
The Maths Escape Room.
For this Task we had to do a maths escape room. It was fun to go onto the different slides trying to find the answers. I found it tricky to find the last answer because it said on the answer sheet that it was 72 but it was actually 24. I enjoyed doing this task because I got to do my first maths escape room. I found it tricky to do some of the task because they were confusing. When I finished the answer sheet the letters said maths matter. To find the letter we had to solve the problem and then go to the answer sheet to find the letter that was attached to the number.
Friday, 27 August 2021
The Amazing Race








Thursday, 26 August 2021
My 3D Shapes.
For our task today we had to make 3D shapes. I enjoyed trying to make them and finding them around the house. I found it tricky to glue the 3D shapes together. Next time I would make different 3D shapes to make it more interesting. Do you know how to make 3D shapes? I found it interesting because at first I didn't know how to make 3D shapes but when I tried it it was easier than I thought. Here is my slide with some photos in it.
My Ways To Being Plastic Free.
For this task we had to create a slide that had our opinions for, how is plastic bad for the environment and how we can lower the amount of plastic every year. I enjoyed learning about how plastic is bad for the environment because now I know the ways to prevent there being a plastic break out. I found it tricky to find the facts. This is a link to the book that I read if you want to view it click the link. This is my slide that I did today about plastic.
The Cute Pusle!
For this task we had to put together the puzzle pieces and it made this adorable picture. This task was meant to be a brain break but I think it was better than the normal brain breaks. Don't you think its adorable? I enjoyed figuring out which pieces go together. I found it tricky to put some of the pieces together because at the start I didn't know that when you got the piece in the right place it clicked. This is the app that you can make the pusles on click the link to go there.
Wednesday, 25 August 2021
My Mandala.
For this task we had to create a piece of art work using nature. I found it tricky to take the picture because all of the leaves and flowers flew away just when we were ready. I enjoyed finding things to put in my mandala. Do you know what a mandala is? I liked learning about making art with stones and leaves. I thought it was a creative task to do and at the start of this task I didn't know what a mandala is and now I do. I found this task interesting to do because normally we wouldn't make art with nature and we would make it with paint and ink. These are some pictures of my mandala.
For our task today we had to create a story about composting. I enjoyed learning about the process of composting. Next time I would change my story so it would make more sense. I found it tricky to put the story in my own words. I found composting interesting because there are so many things that you wouldn't think that there are in compost. If you want to see the video that I watched click the link. This is my story about composting. I hope you like it.
Do you know what compost is? In this piece of writing I will explain to you how compost is made, what it is, the benefits of compost and how it is made. If you want to learn about composting, keep reading.
Compost is made up of lots of different things like soil, grass clippings, leaves and some people add food scraps from their kitchen. Microorganisms help break down all of the materials into compost that has lots of nutrients.
The process of making compost takes a lot of time to break down. Microorganisms and bugs living in the compost eat the scraps that you’ve put in it and poop it out and this makes compost. This compost is rich and good for plants that are growing because of the nutrients created by the composting process.
Compost is good because it does not create as much waste and that would otherwise end up in landfills. It saves us money because not as much will end up in the landfills and when landfills are full we have to buy more land for the landfills.
I think that composting is good for the environment because it lets people reuse things that would otherwise go to the landfill. It also gives plants all of the good nutrients that they need to grow and plants are really good for the environment.