Tuesday, 31 August 2021

Amazing Race Two!

 For our task today we had to do another Amazing race this one is focused in Japan. I enjoyed doing the different tasks with my family. I found it tricky to get the ball over everyones head. We didn't do a picture of the ball challenge because we didn't have anyone to take a picture of us doing it. Next time we would change the gown that we made for something more comfortable (let me tell you it was not comfortable). I liked doing this challenge with everybody in my family because the things were fun and we all really enjoyed doing them together. I found it tricky to spot all of the differences in the spot the difference task.  

August Reflection Newsletter 2021.

 We have been learning how to write a reflection. I enjoyed looking back at what we have do over the month. I found it tricky to find something to write about the enviroschools. Next time I would change my lockdown fun and change it to a bike ride or something like that. I like being at home because we can finish tasks quicker in a day sometimes. But I also miss being at school because I miss seeing my friends. I enjoyed writing this reflection because it reminded me of the good times that I've had over lockdown of the month.

Five Facts About The Paralympic Games.

 Today for our task we had to watch a video explaining what the paralympics are then we got to choose how we presented a slide that had to have five facts of it. I chose to do the slides. I found it challenging to find the facts from the video because I had to keep pausing the video to get the information. i enjoyed learning about the paralympics and I want to start watching it. Next time I would change the background to an athlete instead of the symbol of the paralympics. I enjoyed doing this task and i would do it again. This is a link to the video that I watched. 

Monday, 30 August 2021

Saint Thomas Aquinas.

For this task we had to make a slide that was based on our saint and write facts about them. I liked learning about Saint Thomas Aquinas. I found it tricky to find the right background that fitted the writing. Next time I would change the facts about Saint Thomas Aquinas. I enjoyed learning about him because there was so much to learn about him like he got put in jail because he did nothing. 

My Well Being Challenge.

For this task we had to roll the dice and go back to the page and then there is task that you had to do with numbers on them. The number are there so that if you get a one you would pick the task that had a one on it. I found this task tyreing because we had to do lots of burpees but the good thing was that after we had to spend 2 minutes lying down. I enjoyed doing this task and I would do it again. I found it challenging to do the burpees. We had to eat three veges and 2 fruits and that's the part that I liked.

My Facts About Native Birds!

 For our task today we had to create a slide that had facts about native birds. I liked doing this task because I got to learn more about the native birds that New Zealand has. I found it tricky to find the facts from the books and write them in my own words. I found it interesting that there is only 20 percent of the native birds in New Zealand are in the ok zone. I found it tricky to find information about the birds in the book. Next time I would change some of the facts around. 

The Maths Escape Room.

 For this Task we had to do a maths escape room. It was fun to go onto the different slides trying to find the answers. I found it tricky to find the last answer because it said on the answer sheet that it was 72 but it was actually 24. I enjoyed doing this task because I got to do my first maths escape room. I found it tricky to do some of the task because they were confusing. When I finished the answer sheet the letters said maths matter. To find the letter we had to solve the problem and then go to the answer sheet to find the letter that was attached to the number.

Friday, 27 August 2021

The Amazing Race

For our task oday we had to do lots of different things like making an obstacle course. I enjoyed doing this task because I got to do it with my family and because it was fun. I found it tricky to skateboard round the driveway because its tricky to turn the corner. I found it hard to make the obstacle course and blow the piece of paper across the hallway. I found it tricky to find the right place to blow the piece of paper because there was furniture everywhere. I enjoyed finding the words inside geothermal it was tricky to find ten of them because they were really hidden. I enjoyed making the book tower but it was tricky because we could only have three books lying flat and the others had to be open. I enjoyed finding the words inside the word find. It was tricky because some of them were diaganall. These are some pictures of the the activities we did. Click the link to view the video about New Zealand that I watched. 


Thursday, 26 August 2021

My 3D Shapes.

 For our task today we had to make 3D shapes. I enjoyed trying to make them and finding them around the house. I found it tricky to glue the 3D shapes together. Next time I would make different 3D shapes to make it more interesting. Do you know how to make 3D shapes? I found it interesting because at first I didn't know how to make 3D shapes but when I tried it it was easier than I thought. Here is my slide with some photos in it. 

My Ways To Being Plastic Free.

For this task we had to create a slide that had our opinions for, how is plastic bad for the environment and how we can lower the amount of plastic every year. I enjoyed learning about how plastic is bad for the environment because now I know the ways to prevent there being a plastic break out. I found it tricky to find the facts. This is a link to the book that I read if you want to view it click the link. This is my slide that I did today about plastic.

The Cute Pusle!


For this task we had to put together the puzzle pieces and it made this adorable picture. This task was meant to be a brain break but I think it was better than the normal brain breaks. Don't you think its adorable? I enjoyed figuring out which pieces go together. I found it tricky to put some of the pieces together because at the start I didn't know that when you got the piece in the right place it clicked. This is the app that you can make the pusles on click the link to go there. 

Wednesday, 25 August 2021

My Mandala.

 For this task we had to create a piece of art work using nature. I found it tricky to take the picture because all of the leaves and flowers flew away just when we were ready. I enjoyed finding things to put in my mandala. Do you know what a mandala is? I liked learning about making art with stones and leaves. I thought it was a creative task to do and at the start of this task I didn't know what a mandala is and now I do. I found this task interesting to do because normally we wouldn't make art with nature and we would make it with paint and ink. These are some pictures of my mandala. 

 For our task today we had to create a story about composting. I enjoyed learning about the process of composting. Next time I would change my story so it would make more sense. I found it tricky to put the story in my own words. I found composting interesting because there are so many things that you wouldn't think that there are in compost. If you want to see the video that I watched click the link.  This is my story about composting. I hope you like it.

Do you know what compost is? In this piece of writing I will explain to you how compost is made, what it is, the benefits of compost and how it is made. If you want to learn about composting, keep reading.

Compost is made up of lots of different things like soil, grass clippings, leaves and some people add food scraps from their kitchen. Microorganisms help break down all of the materials into compost that has lots of nutrients. 

The process of making compost takes a lot of time to break down. Microorganisms and bugs living in the compost eat the scraps that you’ve put in it and poop it out and this makes compost. This compost is rich and good for plants that are growing because of the nutrients created by the composting process. 

Compost is good because it does not create as much waste and that would otherwise end up in landfills. It saves us money because not as much will end up in the landfills and when landfills are full we have to buy more land for the landfills.   

I think that composting is good for the environment because it lets people reuse things that would otherwise go to the landfill. It also gives plants all of the good nutrients that they need to grow and plants are really good for the environment.

My explosion!

For our task today we had to make a balloon rise when it was still on the bottle. For this experiment we needed, baking soda, vinegar, a plastic bottle and a balloon. I liked learning the chemical change when baking soda and vinegar mix and it makes gas which blows the balloon up and when it is to full the balloon will shoot up. I found it challenging to put the balloon over the bottle. I enjoyed watching the balloon spraying vinegar and baking soda all over us. Next time I would quickly run away after I had put the baking soda in otherwise you get soaked. I think that the smaller the balloon is the smaller the balloon will get. I think that water temperature affects how fast the balloon fills up because if the waters is hot it will go slower than if its cold it will go faster. I think that the more baking soda and vinegar will affect how big the reaction is because if you lots of something with another lots of something it will most likely make a bigger reaction. This is a link to the page where I got the information. These are the steps that we had to follow.

1. Pour the baking soda into the balloon using a funnel. 
2. Pour three quarters of vinegar into a measuring cup.
3. Pour the vinegar into the plastic bottle.
4. Put the neck of the balloon over the neck of the plastic bottle.
5. Tip the balloon over the bottle so that the to chemicals can combine.
6. Stand back because the balloon might explode off the bottle and spray you with vinegar.

Tuesday, 24 August 2021

My Magic Jaw Bone.

For our task today we had to create a magic jaw bone from a story of Maui. I liked learning about the magic jaw bone and how Maui got it. Next time I would change the patterns of the bone. I found it tricky to fit all of the koros in to the space. I liked drawing the bone because I like drawing and it was fun because we could pick which patterns we put in the bone and I chose waves and koros.  Do you know the story of Maui and the magic jaw bone? This is a link to the video that I watch to find the information. This is a drawing of the magic jaw bone that I drew. 

Monday, 23 August 2021

My PLant Tuatara!

For this task we had to pick what outside task we wanted to do and I chose to make something out of sticks and leaves.  I made a Tuatara out of leaves and sticks. I liked making this Tuatara because it was nice to do something creative and it was fun trying to make it look like one. I found it tricky to shape the leaves so it look like one. do you know what a Tuatara is? There was a poster of outside task to do and I chose to make something because I like to be creative with things. I made it out of pinecones, spike balls, leaves and sticks. 

The Great Outdoors.

For our task today we had to do an online scavenger hunt. We picked an animal to do the topic on and we had to answer questions about our animal. I liked learning about fantails because they follow you to find food. I think fantails are very intelligent because they can collect food when you think there following you. I found it tricky to find the information from the article that we read. These are the questions we had to answer.                      

What makes a fantail a resilient species? That since it eats insects it adapts to change.

What are the three different methods fantails use to catch insects? Following people so that the insects come out of the ground. They use a perch to spot bugs. They can see long distance which helps them catch food.

How is a fantail like an energetic person? They are known to fly fast but short distance.

My Pet Poster!

 Today for my reading task i made a poster about dogs. We learnt this online because its lockdown and we have online zooms. I liked learning about dogs because there is a lot to learn about them. Do you like dogs? I found it challenging to find the fact about how dogs cool down. Next time I would change the facts for different facts. I found it tricky to log onto the video to find the information. 

Thursday, 19 August 2021

Bee Factual?

 We were learning how to make and support inferences. We have been learning about bees because we did a science experiment about how bees pollinate. We had to recreate our science experiment by writing in the steps that we did the experiment in. I enjoyed rewriting the steps of the experiment. I found it challenging to remember the steps that we did it in. What do you know about Bees? 

My Cooking Robot!

We made Robots for our reading task this week. We had to make a set of slides and draw a picture of our own Robot. We found a problem and we made the Robot to help the problem. We were learning how to find information in a text. We learnt this because we were learning about Robots from the olden days and how they could only act and not think and sense. I enjoyed learning about Robots? Do you like Robots? I found it tricky to find the shapes to make my digital Robot. I think Robots are cool and want to learn more. 

My Prayer Space.

Since it is lock down we made our own prayer space. Our teacher gave us the task of making our own prayer space so on our zoom tomorrow someone will be chosen to show the prayer space to the class. The flowers are for God's creation, the cross is for Jesus who died on the cross, the green cloth is for ordinary time,the rosary beads are for Mary and the stone is for Joy. I enjoyed making this prayer space with the things that we have in our house because I thought it was creative. I found it tricky to find some of the items to put on the prayer space. Have you ever tried to make a prayer space? This a photo of my prayer space.

Thursday, 12 August 2021

A Sweet Business.

This week we have been learning about Bees. At the start of the week we did a science experiment about how Bees pollinate so that is why we did this reading task on Bees. Next time i would try and see if i could match different ones up. I found it challenging to find the information that matched. Do you know any facts about Bees? I enjoyed learning about Bees this week because i think they are really cool and there is a lot to learn about them that you wouldn't think that they have. They have five eyes the other three sense light. Bees have a jagged edge on there stinger but the Queen Bee has a smooth edge so she can sting and sting and sting as much as she likes. Do you think that Bees are cool? I do and there is always something new to learn about them. They are like a mini science lad. Click here to read A Sweet Business.

My Olympic Report!

We have been learning about the Olympics because the delayed 2020 Olympics are on. We were learning to scim and scan. I liked learning about the old Olympics and the sports that are in the Olympics. Did you watch the Olympics this year? I found it tricky to find all of the information about the Olympic mascots. Next time I would change the picture of the opening ceremony and change it to the picture of 2020. I liked watching rowing and archery, did you? This is a link to the video that I watched to get the information. Click here to watch the Olympic mascots.