Thursday, 20 May 2021

Have you heard the story of Sarah and Abraham?

 Last week we did a play about Sarah and Abraham my group interviewed Sarah and Abraham. Asher was the news reporter and I was Sarah and Jason was Abraham. This is the video that me and my group made I hope you like it. We were learning about Sarah and Abraham's life and there covenant with God. I found it challenging to upload the video onto my blog because I've never used wevideo before.

Thomas post card

In week 1 term two we were learning about Anzac day and our task was to make a postcard to send to a family member or a person in your family who was in the war I have don it to my great grandmother who was an ambulance driver.

Friday, 14 May 2021

My Mother's Day card!!

We were learning how to weave with a skuor and string because it was mothers day and we were making something special for our mums. 

1:  First we had to get a big piece of paper and get a heart to trace.

2: Secondly we had to get a skewer and poke holes on the heart that we traced.

3: Thirdly we got the skewer and some string and sellotaped it on.

4: Once we had done that we got a skewer and started threading through the holes.

5: After that, we tied a not so the string wouldn't come out.

6: And then you write the card and then your done that is how you make a Mother's Day card.

And that's how you make a mothers day card.

My tidy bedroom!

  This week we have been writing about our bedroom and writing a description. This is my description of my room I hope you like it. I found it difficult write some of the descriptions. 

My favourite part about my room is that it is warm and clean, Unlike my sisters.

It is also dark and peaceful. But my favorite part is that when

I open my window and the smell of pollen comes in.

It is also dark and peaceful. But my favorite part is that when

I open my window the smell of pollen comes in, You can also hear the birds chirping

the sound is very soothing.

I think the shape of my room is weird because it has an angled roof and a

cupboard that’s built in, but overall I think it is really different. There is also

carpet instead of floor which is really soft. My bed is short and bouncy But when I bounce I hit my head on the roof. I also have a mirror at the

end of my bed which is nice because I can see myself in the morning.

I think my room is the tidiest room in the house,

my family also think it is tidy. In the mornings I make my beb neatly and

get dressed. In my cupboard there is a heat lamp that makes it really

hot when I’m reading, but it's nice when it’s cold.

I like my bedroom because it looks clean and with the view it is all so

beautiful. It smells strongly of pollen and sometimes at night I can

hear mauporks hosting, the sound is very soft and it puts me to

sleep straight away. I always say to my mum I love it.

Even Tho my room is the smallest it’s the best.

I think my room is great and I love it. I want to keep my room forever.

Wednesday, 12 May 2021

Thomas What is it?

Hi bloggers this week we have been learning not to get things of the internet and not to copy things from other people.And we have also been learning about what it was like in the olden days and finding the differences between olden day stuff and nowaday things. I liked the bit when we had to go onto explore and find images that match the olden day things. I love doing cybersmart and you are going to find out what we did and what images we got.